Bold. Distinctive. Biblical.
A Principle-Approach® Pre-K–12 Christian School in Lancaster County, PA

Dayspring Christian Academy’s course offerings represent the rich and elevated curriculum commensurate with a Principle Approach® education. Dayspring Christian Academy is committed to continue to excel still more in every arena of our school. Our desire is to prepare our students to be lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ who are equipped to lead in their area of calling.

Course Catalogs

Lower School (Kindergarten – 5th Grade) plants the seeds of Christian character in hearts and minds.

The foundations of Christian character and worldview are laid in young hearts as they explore the building blocks of education: math, reading, science, great works of literature, grammar, history, geography, and even the discipline of penmanship.

View Our Lower School Course Catalog

Middle School is a launching station for high school and beyond, where skills are strengthened and advanced.

We believe that the middle school years are unique in the development of the child. The many changes they experience – physical, emotional, and spiritual – occur at an increasingly rapid pace. Students at this age still have a childlike curiosity about life and learning, while beginning to take on the more serious responsibilities associated with a productive and godly life.

View Our Middle School Course Catalog

High School students are prepared for college and career through a rigorous curriculum that encompasses core courses with the Bible as the core textbook.

The overall goal of this classical American Christian approach is to produce a student who has not only progressed from the rudiments of the subjects to the higher levels of understanding, but who has learned how to reason from the principles of the Bible to the concepts and issues of the subject. It is the liberating effect of the self-governed intellect combined with a heart submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ that allows the student to reach his or her fullest God-given potential.

View Our High School Course Catalog

Grading Scale

In evaluating students, the teachers at Dayspring recognize the individuality of each student. Academic grades, while important, are to a great extent a reflection of the internal character of each student. Teachers eagerly welcome the opportunity to meet with parents, by appointment, to discuss a student’s progress.


Letter Grade Percentage Interpretation
A 93-100% Excellent
B 84-92% Good
C 75-83% Average
D 66-74% Unsatisfactory
F 0-65% Failing

AK-5th Grade Academic Key:

O = Outstanding; working above grade level
G = Grade level; within the expected range of performance
SP = Slow Progress; but below grade level
NI = Needs Improvement; below grade level, but little or no evidence of progress

Take a Tour of Dayspring!

Private tours for you and your child are available. Additionally, middle and high school students are able to experience a day of school at Dayspring through our visitation program. Call Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000 or use the button below to register.

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